The Lord has clearly called us to boldly take His cross To spread the gospel everywhere no matter what the cost Proclaim the love of Jesus so everyone may know The grace of God, the gift of His love, the peace in His Son Go ye, go ye in the name of Jesus Christ Take the gospel everywhere make the sacrifice Jerusalem, Judaea the ends of the earth must know Share the hope of every man, Christ and Christ alone Shine the light in darkness God commands us, "Go!" God calls us to be faithful, to witness and endure To sow the precious seed of faith and share the living word So tell of God's salvation and make redemption known To all the world with all of your heart Arise now and go Go ye, go ye in the name of Jesus Christ Take the gospel everywhere make the sacrifice Jerusalem, Judaea the ends of the earth must know Share the hope of every man, Christ and Christ alone Shine the light in darkness God commands us, "Go!" Go ye into all the world God commands us go