Are you winning, son? Yes, thanks Dad And I thank you for coming and asking that I appreciate you trying to Ask me though you may not understand Are you winning, son? No Dad, the shame... I just donated $3000 so this girl would say my name Forgive me for what I've done I cannot believe that you've become a Simp son Are you winning, son? Dad no, I'm not And Dad it's taking its toll, a lot 3000 hours, I've played this game Joined a tournament today And guess what Dad, I didn't win Dad So all I've done Dad, has for nothing Dad I'm feeling real bad, it isn't even Dad That I not won, you see the thing is Dad It's stopped being that fun, being that fun I'm so sorry, you've seen me like this I'm a failure Maybe it's time to quit But thanks for asking At least i tried Now leave me alone to sit and cry Are you winning, son? I've transcended Beyond the need for dualistic notions of competitive But I'm humbled Dad, you came to me So please come sit beside your son for a cup of tea Are you winning, son? Not exactly The only things I'm winning here is good old memories Like all the good times You knocked my door Asking once again if I was winning like before Though things have changed now And though it's sad It's time for me to ask Are you winning, Dad? Even though I know that You are winning Dad When you asked me It meant I was winning Dad