The Play of Daniel (Ludus Danielis) lyrics

album The Dufay Collective   ·  34 tracks

2008 year

  1. 11

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama, Prelude: Ad honorem tui Christi

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  2. 22

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama, Prelude: Astra Tenenti

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  3. 33

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama, Part 1: The Court of Belshazzar: Rex in aeternum - Vos qui paretis

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  4. 44

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama, Part 1: The Vessels Defiled: Jubilemus Regi nostro

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  5. 55

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama, Part 1: The Writing on the Wall: Ecce sunt ante faciem - Vocate mathematicos - Rex in aeternum - Qui scripturam

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  6. 66

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama, Part 1: The Writing on the Wall: Nescimus per solvere

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  7. 77

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama, Part 1: The Queen's Advice: Cum doctorum

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  8. 88

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama, Part 1: The Queen's Advice: Rex, in aeternum vive! - Cum Judae captivis - Vos danielem

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  9. 99

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama, Part 1: Daniel Discovered: Vir propheta - Multum miror

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  10. 1010

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama, Part 1: Daniel Discovered: Hic verus Dei - Pauper et exulans

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  11. 1111

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama, Part 1: The Interpretation: Tune Daniel

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  12. 1212

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama, Part 1: The Interpretation: Rex, tua nolo munera

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  13. 1313

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama, Part 1: The Interpretation: Qui sic solvit

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  14. 1414

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama: Part One - Daniel Adorned: Tolle vasa

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  15. 1515

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama, Part 1: Daniel Adorned: Solvitur in libro Salomonis

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  16. 1616

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama, Part 1: The Vessels Restored: Regis vasa referentes

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  17. 1717

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama, Part 2: The Court of Darius: Ecce rex darius

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  18. 1818

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama, Part 2: The Court of Darius: Audite, Principes

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  19. 1919

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama, Part 2: The Delegation to Daniel: Ex regali venit imperio

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  20. 2020

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama, Part 2: The Delegation to Daniel: Congaudentes celebremus

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  21. 2121

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama, Part 2: The Delegation to Daniel: Quia novite

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  22. 2222

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama, Part 2: The Decree: Rex, in aeternum vive! - Decreverunt in tua curia

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  23. 2323

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama: Part Two - The Decree: Ego mando et remando

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  24. 2424

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama, Part 2: The Decree: Daniel at Prayer (Instrumental)

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  25. 2525

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama, Part 2: Evil Counsel: Num quid, Dari - Si sprevit legem

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  26. 2626

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama, Part 2: Evil Counsel: Heu! Heu! Heu! - Deus quem colis

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  27. 2727

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama, Part 2: The Lion's Den: Hujus rei non sum reus

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  28. 2828

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama, Part 2: Deliverance: Abacuc - Novit Dei - Surge, frater - Recordatus es mei

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  29. 2929

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama, Part 2: Deliverance: Tene, putas - Rex - Danielem educite

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  30. 3030

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama, Part 2: Just Desserts: Merito haec patimur

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  31. 3131

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama: Part Two - The Prophecy: Deum Danielis

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  32. 3232

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama, Part 2: The Prophecy: Ecce venit sanctus ille

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  33. 3333

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama, Part 2: The Prophecy: Nuntium vobis

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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  34. 3434

    The Play of Daniel - A Medieval Drama, Part 2: The Prophecy: Te deum laudamus

    Anonymous, The Dufay Collective, William Lyons

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