How am I supposed to know What love is really like When I've never even been in love before Aren't you supposed to love yourself Before you can understand how to love someone after all How can I find a way to keep my mother safe From the boogie man who hides under the stairs How can I find a way to take his breath away When he's gently sleeping soundly next to her Oh how (x6) Can I save her How am I to live this life When the only certanty Is that death is waiting for me at the end Everyday that passes, I know time is running out And I fear I may have failed what I'd been given Oh how (x4) Tell me how Oh how Am I supposed to live How am I to define what faith is to a child When the only explaination lies within How am I to tell them if they never follow Christ That heaven doesn't hold a place for them Oh how (x4) Tell me how When I'm no better than them Oh how (x4) Tell me how Oh how Am I suposed to live.