Planning romance Setting stages for a happy scene With conscious dreams Pastor Mary And maybe Mary's who's for me, on Calvary Now you for me Someone else keeps blinding me Now you for me Someone else keeps blinding me Now you for me, now And honestly, my heart still needs some love Time gets older And older, I'm in there with boiled flare And eyes that stare through Let your motives Falling from my side Me for you Someone else keeps blinding me Now me for you Someone else keeps blinding me Now me for you, now And honestly, my heart still needs some love Merry Mary, will you still marry me Merry Mary, will you still marry me Merry Mary, will you still marry me Merry Mary, will you still marry me Merry Mary, will you still marry me Merry Mary, will you still marry me Merry Mary, will you still marry me Merry Mary, will you still marry me