The sea is full of plastic bags are full of ready meals Are full of slaughtered animals who never saw a field Saturate with chemicals to streamline the supply Im not sure what you're eating but at least it fills you up right? CH: poison- the air is full of poison The food is full of poison Poison- the water's full of poison Your brain is full of poison The road to breathing normally is full of toxic air Commuters on computers staying sick and unaware Of the daily breathing in and out of pesticide and waste Geoengineering us to keep us in our place CH Our food is full of poison but its cheaper that way Our measure of survival is the price we pay Thats why the rich live longer its not because they're stronger Its cos they keep the rest of us on minimum wage CH When the earth dries up and the food runs out All the money in the world won't help you out Cancer dementia poverty prevention Clean up your act avoid extinction