Grave Dohl Grave Dohl is on my bed with me Grave Dohl Grave Dohl is all along my timeline Grave Dohl Grave Dohl is even in my dreams Grave Dohl You cannot run from him no matter where you're hiding Grave Dohl Grave Dohl is who you want to be Grave Dohl He is that guy who's always having good times Grave Dohl Grave Dohl is the only thing I see Grave Dohl Grave Dohl is there even when I close my eyes Grave Dohl Grave Dohl Grave Dohl Grave Dohl knows exactly where we live Grave Dohl Grave Dohl has showed up in my party Grave Dohl Grave Dohl is sitting next to me Grave Dohl You want to hate him but the guy is just so fucking nice Grave Dohl Grave Dohl gets along with just like everyone Grave Dohl Grave Dohl is always busy but he's having fun Grave Dohl Grave Dohl can even find some time to play the drums Grave Dohl He could be your Dad your Mon and also be your son Grave Dohl Grave Dohl Grave Dohl has a song with the Dee Gees Grave Dohl has a new song with Mob Barley Grave Dohl has a song with Pelvis Resley Grave Dohl is the real Paul McCartney Grave Dohl Grave Dohl is nominated for the Oscars Grave Dohl Grave Dohl has just won the nobel peace prize Grave Dohl Grave Dohl acomplished more dreams than he even had Grave Dohl Grave Dohl is so successful that he feels bad Grave Dohl Grave Dohl Is the coolest guy on earth Grave Dohl Is an example for people like Dred Furst Grave Dohl You better love him or otherwise you're fucking cursed Grave Dohl Nothing ever's gonna satisfy his thirst Grave Dohl Grave Dohl Grave Dohl Grave Dohl Grave Dohl Brain roll Grave Dohl Brave doll Grave Dohl Grey Dove Grave Dohl Grave Dohl Dave Grohl Rainbow Grave Dohl Grave Dohl Grave Dohl Grave Dohl