If I lose hope I'm fearing that my children might do the same My mama fed me to the wolves Gave me an animals name And tho my father Tries sometimes Nothing has changed Taking sips upon the liquor Crying out through the pain Ain't nothing normal Bout the man I became Suppressing thoughts A monster brought to me The feeling is strange The guilt The Filth Piling up in my brain It only makes sense the world itself is going insane But who's to blame for it The cracker with the whip Or my brothers who led the way for em The button Or the napalm Yahweh or Shatan I bet if trees could talk they would curse Man's creation God Please Fucking Adam and Eve Get me a cotton picking Church story I can believe New world water got Flint Michigan under a siege If it's a black face In this rat race Then the police Will make sure That we the ones on the ground fixing to bleed Nazi's in the White House Comments you can't delete Piles us on the ship Strips away our beliefs And still I'm begging for peace While this cancer spreads I'm choosing love instead of hate No longer will I pretend This ain't The New Normal. Every morning I wake Owing a thousand thank yous And Wondering Why I'm still in debt Maybe we will find each other in a metaphor. A simile will show us how race doesn't divide us on paper Seems like Skin is more blatant than color here Like we ain't learn to overcome From the heel of their foot They set barriers and we conquered now all we have to offer Is the image of the scars on our Adam's Apple And tell the story of how they will paint us As A nightmare of never ending blackness Like scavenger colored angels Eager to devour your leftovers Rotting in post demise Don't listen to the monotone It is not kin folk Neither is the deafness your zone of comfort It is dubious idle This silence will swallow you whole So may my casket have the best acoustics Let trumpets sing Miles Davis And 12 bar medleys crescendo around my obituary I hope they sing around my body And use my back as a metronome Every crack keeps us all on the bass line Let them remember how pain soothed us Remind them how we spoke in cadences How we owed our lives To sheet music and steel strings Dancing to the sound of our own eulogies May my six-foot grave be a concert hall Celebrating the song of my ashes I'm tired My eyes have had their spines broken Fingers struggle to literate my mind Tears glued to my chin Spilling my thoughts on blankness Trying to sculpt a sort of anything These words are a truant A deviant bastard Too out of rhythm to any foster home of a tongue I'm tired And these words Always seem to write themselves As if ink cried freedom from pen And thought found Asylum from throat Our black was never meant to be normal You are a surviving martyr Testimony; there is no man larger than your diaphragm No pen unfamiliar to your secrets Jonas Bronck; nothing but a metaphor and a sign from gods Your words stem from silence and thought of music of rebellion Insanity with brilliance hidden by a frame too small to exemplify Your normal