Unsure, yet so sure And never surer upon your shore Sun blinded by smile, I sleepwalk to save Every step from a fall Each sensation from a name Any picture from any frame Your flame Flickers and growls, purrs, then it prowls Filling the footprints of a slave that dreams To your light, your light Chaining your waist Into my brain By holy nectar And back again I'm saving energy for truth With a golden smile and a broken tooth As all your powers put me in tune With every sonnet sung for you You tame the untamed And break me in a child's laughter As cream is crashed o'er crushed fruit clusters Sweet, then savage Here in and forever after I want you I want you I want You... ...from the brink of nativity To the tomb of all time I'm saving energy for truth With a golden smile and a broken tooth As all your powers put me in tune With every sonnet sung for you