No derivatives No additional text Forge the sword out of a wrench Strongest made in a sec Parting thunder clouds with the weakest crest Morgins rims, got grins Strangest occurrence secure categories blurred Terms get overwritten like cybercity circuit boards Clapped at the opening Overrun by the entrees and entrances Peace to people I actually know (yo) My enthusiasm allure copies Slipping out back quarter four with the treasure Undetected like a looping proxy I think I got that in another bag If it's personal then it deserves a pouch, copy How you gone lil bro, him when he let you sleep on his couch Niggas live and die you get air fried by a whole coast Then compromise it all with one clip Late night bet dialing, somebody's sandwich getting chopped in correctly (aww shit) If that was acquiring range Then this is maximizing space I took a dot and made a moon out of it (Yeah)