Humans are real weird, you really Do strange things Pick your nose and Fart'n'scratch, you are uncanny things Twitch and toss and grunt aloud, some Clean and wash all day Talk such crap Without going red, your lifes for not Play Schitzophrenics, epileptics, what A mixed up race Asylum wards and mental Homes are where these nuts are placed Chorus: Method in our madness Method in our madness Method in our madness Who are you to say they're mad, ask me, Your all the same In these wards you all Should be with the stamp insane Wino's, Tramps, you don't except junkies hate and Fear Got a strange addiction that you like To call a career Shifts and unions, rules And clockcards, fuck what makes you tick A boss to tell you what to do, well bolloxx, He's prick Chorus You laugh and joke at our expenses, You haven't got a clue Their is no brain Within your skull, it's us who rule not You At least we try and enjoy life, we Don't give a shit Fuck the ozone, fuck The earth, it's one black slimy pit Enjoy It now the end is near, no time to get Depressed Kaned and chinged the way to be At least your thoughts expressed Chorus