The mill valley trees The pines with green mint look And there's a tangled eucalyptus hulk stick Fallen through the late sunlight tangle of those needles Hanging from it like a live wire connecting it to the ground Just below The notches where little threads sought to fell the sad pine Not bleeding much, just a lot of crystal sap The ants are mining in, motionless like cows on the grass And so they must be aphids, percolating up the steen The store provender in their bottomless bellies As for all I know are bigger than the bellies of the universe beyond The little tragic windy cottages on the high, lass city wad hill And today roosting in sun hot dream above the tree head Of seas and meadow patch While still qi, qi pearl the birdies and mammals Mark and ululate moodily in this valley of peaceful firewood In stacks that make you think of Oregon in the morning in 1928 When back was home on the range lake and his hunting knife Threw away and went to sit among the ponderosa pines To think about love his girls bare bodice like a fennel seed The naval in her milk bun Seany McGonagall and Roger Nolte held up the Boston Bank And murdered a girl in these old woods And next you saw the steely green iron photograph and true detective Showing black blotches in the black blotch Running covert by the dirty roadside not Oregon at all Or Jim back so happy with his mouth That blade of grass depending Hummingbird hums hello, bugs race and swoop Two ants hurry to catch up with lonely Joe The tree above me is like a woman's thigh Smooth eucalyptus bumps and muscle swells Why would I wear a weid? A week would leave Why was the rat mixed up in the sun? "Because Bodhidharma came from the West with dark eyebrows" And China had a mountain wall And mists get lost above the yanked sea gorge And this isn't mysterious yack the bird makes, yick "Wowf wow what" sings the dog blood blut blut below the homestead deer Red robins with saffron, scarlet or orange redbreasts Make a racket in the dry, dead car crashed tree Neil mentioned He went off the road into the eucalyptus' And it's all busting out Indicating the prune blossoms And Bodhidharma came from the India West To seek converts to his wall gazing Ended up with zen magic monks, mopping each other And one in all and other in mud koan puddles to prove the crystal void Wow