Oh give me land, lots of land under starry skies above Don't fence me in Let me ride through the wide open country that I love Don't fence me in Let me be myself in the evening breeze Listen to the murmur of the cottonwood trees Send me off forever but I ask you please Don't fence me in Just turn me loose, let me straddle my old saddle Underneath the western skies On my cayuse, let me wander over yonder Till I see the mountains rise I want to ride to the ridge where the west commences Gaze at the moon until I lose my senses I can't look at hobbles and I can't stand fences Don't fence me in Just set me free, ain't it grander to meander Like a tumblin' tumbleweed My horse and me, we'll go roamin' through Wyomin' Like a Deputy on his trusty steed I want to count all the stars as they shine so stellar Ride through the rain without a fancy umbrellar I'd rather sleep on rocks than be a Rockefeller Don't fence me in