All our grand plans Built on quicksand Washing away Washing away Oh my love Floods of strong words Rising deep hurts Washing away Washing away All my love You can bathe in the water And never be clean From the dirt that is hidden inside You can polish your cup So the outside gleams Til the outside's one big gleaming lie Water on stone Steady and long Wearing away Wearing away All my love You can drink from the fountain And walk away dry You can drink and not be satisfied There's a fountain of water Waiting to burst free From deep in you Clear and alive Healing river Living water Can cleanse every stain The stench and the shame Oh my love Let's go down to that river Sink our roots in the ground Til we drink from that water of life Let it drench every part Of our dry thirsting hearts Let it quench all that longing and pride Til those grand plans In the storms stand Won't wash away Won't wash away Oh my love Won't wash away Won't wash away Oh my love