An-Diugh ghabh mi cuairt Ri taobh nam beanntan àrd' Tro na raointean ùr' Le lus a' bhith a' fàs. Abar adhbhar 'bhith giùlain Buidheachas is gràdh An tiodhlac brèagha Os cionn gach àite Fon a' ghrian ri teachd 'S a' ghrian a' dh'fhalbh Còmhla 'sa bhlàths Gu dearidh là'. Cò mhìneachas àill No an gaol dìomhar buan Cò thuigeas neart na gaoithe Nuar a' thilleas madainn chiùin. Abair aobhar 'son taingealachd Umhlachd 's àgh Fhad 's tha 'n cùbhraidheachd beò Gach plathadh, gach là' Today I took a walk Beside the high hills Through the new fields Where the flower of life was growing. What a reason to carry Gratitude and love With the beautiful gift Around each place Below the future sun, The suns that have since gone We will be together in the warmth Till the end of our days. Who can explain desire Or the mystery of eternal love And who can understand the strength of the wind When the stillness returns in a morning But what a reason for thankfulness Humility and joy While the fragrance exists Passing instant, each day.