Every Friday night At the Olive Branch She does Latin dance But I just watch from my table And she smiles at me As she keeps the beat But my two left feet Will probably never be able And she's laughing The others are passing me Making their way to the floor It's just a simple merengue And she's glowing Her red skirt is flowing But I can only sit and adore My Latin love Latin loooooooove So I made a change With my pride to lose And I learnt some moves And now I think I can cha cha cha And she's laughing While others are passing us Twirling around on the floor Instrumental Then I saw her there And I caught her glance May I have this dance And then we started to cha cha cha Now she's laughing The others are passing us Twirling around on the floor We even did the merengue And she's glowing Her red skirt is flowing And now I can hold and adore My Latin love Latin loooooooove My loooooooove