Mother once said should've just gone to bed, But I didn't listen The days rolled on, all I had was a song, To write, that I'm not forgiven You were told The love you hold The ones you see Ain't gonna leave Don't love me Don't love me Don't you let your guard down Don't you turn this around Don't love me Brother so wise, seems you're right all the time, But I couldn't keep up The years went by, and time after time, You were to speak of You were told The love you hold The ones you see Ain't gonna leave Don't love me Don't love me Don't you let your guard down Don't you turn this around Don't love me And I was a fool to leave And I was a fool to go And I was a fool to be The man that you know The man that you know Don't you love me anymore Don't you love me anymore Don't you love me anymore Don't you love me anymore And you don't have to know what I've done Or the man that I've become I'm not proud of these things that I've seen But I can't seem to shake what makes me free Yeah, I've walked all alone with these memories of home In the back of my head, all the thoughts that I dread Wondering why I couldn't see what was meant for me Wondering why I couldn't be what was meant for me 'Cause I'm crying out Yeah, I'm crying out Yeah, I'm trying now I'm not lying now