We are the village folk music for the City people And the disco of the village We are the children of the 90's East Meets West The sound of the Berlin Wall falling Reverberating it's final echoes We are Budapest We remember the idealism of our childhoods But we can't find it now Only on the dance floor with our music We never saw communism But we reject capitalism, and we hate fascism We are Hippy in our hearts, but Punk in our souls We look like hipsters so they call us gypsters We are DIY but with our mommy and Daddy's help We are rock n' roll but you would never guess so We want to create not to destroy So we recycle buildings, sounds, clothes and bikes We want to save the world But we still buy plastic and drive diesel We want children but we're not sure if it's a good idea We live in the moment because we never know when it will end We want to see the world so we don't live anywhere We busk for money We are tough, We s leep on the streets But we have been spoiled with freedom and instant gratification We love our lifestyle but we hate our privilege.