Cxei chukh awwal, Cxei chukh aakhir Cxei waqtuk anhaar Dill kay rat'te seet watte paeraawwai, mate laagum bay aar You're the beginning and you're the End and you're the everything in between Let me paint your path vermilion with the Blood of my heart. Please don't be hard to me Oh my Lord Mangun tagima be oush haarai, Khudaaya Halam daerith be kati praarai, I don't know the requirements of Praying, oh my Lord let my tears speak for me Where shall I wait for you for Benevolence and magnanimance, oh my Lord. Khareedara cxe chukh na khasta dill nei Yi dil futrith be watte gaarai, Khudaaya You have the affinity for broken hearts Where shall I display my cracked heart To find a customer like you, oh my Lord Naffas naethnun badan yus jantas draayo Su aadam wuni ti aawaarai Khudaaaya The unclothed one who was exiled from Eden That Adam is still wandering aimlessly Doyyaw jaamaw nadaamat joe pashpaan Hayaatuk yuth chu baapaarai Khudaaya The rill of tears emanating from my moist eyes speaks Volumes about the sorry affair of my life, Oh my Lord Mye racx khandd chum hisaabas faere baasaan Cxze kya diut'tham, be kyaah daarai Khudaaya I doubt a little error in the credit between you and me What you have actually given to me and what I still owe to you.