Teenage mutant ninja turtles Teenage mutant ninja turtles Teenage mutant ninja turtles Heroes in a half-shell, turtle power! Teenage mutant ninja turtles Teenage mutant ninja turtles Teenage mutant ninja turtles Heroes in a half-shell, turtle power! Here we go, it's the lean, green, ninja team On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things So extreme, out the sewer like laser beams Get rocked with the shell-shocked pizza kings Can't stop these radical dudes The secret of the ooze made the chosen few Emerge from the shadows to make their moves The good guys win and the bad guys lose Leonardo's the leader in blue Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Donatello is a fellow who has a way with machines Raphael has the most attitude on the team Michelangelo, he's one of a kind And you know just where to find him when it's party time Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team Teenage mutant ninja turtles Teenage mutant ninja turtles Teenage mutant ninja turtles Heroes in a half-shell, turtle power! Teenage mutant ninja turtles Teenage mutant ninja turtles Teenage mutant ninja turtles Heroes in a half-shell, turtle power! So who's the bad guy in this story? His name is Master Shredder Is he a strong and scary villain? They don't get no better And he's not just strong, he's also really smart and clever He wants to rule the world from now until forever His henchmen, the foot soldiers are major trouble They've got ninja skills, and they got a lot of muscle And they can ritz and sick flips, and hefty kicks Gotta watch out for this ninja dude's tricks The turtles have been trained to defend and fight And each ninja has their own special weapon type Leonardo's got the swords, the Kai katana That slashes waif like there's no man-yah! Michaelangelo got the double nunchucks He may be gibby, but he still got a lot of guts This is Raphael, he's got his two sai And Donatello is the epic bo staff guy Teenage mutant ninja turtles Teenage mutant ninja turtles Teenage mutant ninja turtles Heroes in a half-shell, turtle power! Teenage mutant ninja turtles Teenage mutant ninja turtles Teenage mutant ninja turtles Heroes in a half-shell, turtle power! Shredder's ninja team zoomed into the battle room The turtles taking cover, trying to avoid their doom (look out!) Master Shredder lays a trap, it goes boom! The foot are closing in and things are looking pretty gloom Oh no, the ninja turtles are surrounded It looks like their trouble's just getting monu-bounded Could this be the end? The pressure is outrageous They need to rally, stand tall and be courageous The turtles are close to defeat, will they be forced to retreat? They need to dig down deep so their willpower can increase Time to work together as a team, and let their inner strength be seen Here comes the fight to redeem the ninja turtle team It's time to go, let's get extreme! Teenage mutant ninja turtles Teenage mutant ninja turtles Teenage mutant ninja turtles Heroes in a half-shell, turtle power! Teenage mutant ninja turtles Teenage mutant ninja turtles Teenage mutant ninja turtles Heroes in a half-shell, turtle power! Teenage mutant ninja turtles Teenage mutant ninja turtles Teenage mutant ninja turtles Heroes in a half-shell, turtle power! Teenage mutant ninja turtles Teenage mutant ninja turtles Teenage mutant ninja turtles Heroes in a half-shell, turtle power!