Two weeks later I read the report Recalled that winter afternoon spent sitting on your floor, the stories of your... The stories of your high school days How your parents removed your door Did you ever feel like a guest in your house? Did anyone ever assuage that doubt? No I felt like a thief reading about your life The reporter drew you with a knife Void of all sympathy and explanation He left no room for retaliation I read about the car you stole I read about your father's funeral In his obituary, it said he was survived by you Sadly that's no longer true And I'm confronted now with harrowing logic Shoved down my throat, impossible to dodge it One day you will read my name in the very same paper Reduced to my birthplace and college major This will be the subject that all of my friends talk about for at least the next few months Intermittent like a tragedy, your name shall come up. (You were notorious, I thought you avoided us, they sent you to Florida) All our memories and dreams are swiftly fading from All of the people You associated with, one by one An ever-shrinking list One by one they will be someone I miss One by one we go into the mist One by one we shall cease to exist One by one our memories will be eclipsed One by one will I be someone you miss?