You know we all like to put tags on people don't we Try to make them like everybody else There's nobody in this world that can tag you Because nobody knows how you really feel inside No friend, no gang member, no preacher or priest, Or rabbi, or social worker, or psychiatrist nobody That's why I don't preach religion I preach about a man The only one who knows why you do the things you do The only one who knows what's bugging you what's eating you The only one who has the power to do anything about it I dont care Who you cut I dont care what you been smoking shooting I dont care who you been laying around with God loves you anyway He knows about your angers your fears your frustrations He knows that most of you fought Some of you even killed but God also Knows what you can be like in the future Not just what you have been in the past God Put the sins in our hearts all our hearts Yours, mine, everybody's and he hated those sins But God turned away from his own hate and he Sent his only son into this world to love us Why dont you stop crying about the sins of the past Stop paying for those sins man it's all paid up It's free all you have to do I accept it Just open up your hearts and let all that bitterness run out Dont wait til your good enough because that day is never gonna come Come on with all your hangups Let Jesus clean you up