I wrote a poem for you Talk about how I felt in the mood You're like perfect soul food Teach me feel the wave I wrote a poem for you Talk about how I felt in the mood You're like perfect soul food Teach me feel the wave You bring the sunset, yeah How pretty sunset, baby You bring the sunset, yeah How pretty sunset, baby You bring the sunset, yeah How pretty sunset, baby You bring the sunset, yeah How pretty sunset, baby 那是晴朗的天 跟你跑到海邊 寄張沒地址的明信片 一起乘著風 一起飄進雲 我從未感受 這般清醒 這般輕盈 我在這個沙灘坐著 看著海把浪給拖著 慶幸自己這麼活著 當個傳遞光亮的作者 在愛裡沐浴著 不再有恐懼了 笑著 傷口 都癒合 你帶我重新認識我 像新的靈魂般赤裸 I wrote a poem for you Talk about how I felt in the mood You're like perfect soul food Teach me feel the wave I wrote a poem for you Talk about how I felt in the mood You're like perfect soul food Teach me feel the wave You bring the sunset, yeah How pretty sunset, baby You bring the sunset, yeah How pretty sunset, baby You bring the sunset, yeah How pretty sunset, baby You bring the sunset, yeah How pretty sunset, baby 上了一課也像做了個夢 I don't even know 到底怎麼填補了洞 把恐懼給斷了 把連結給切了 手舞足蹈忘了陳年的痛 我看見我的過往 我看見心裡難受但仍然微笑的模樣 Oh shit 原來那麼窩囊 so what 用力 face it 把過去一切都原諒 不知不覺發生太多好事 我擁抱愛的人讓溫暖能夠繼續保持 這個sunset亮的像寶石 天和地就是我導師 別再害怕天黑 明月在天空高照 愛是一座高山 堅定地毫不動搖 張開雙手給你個擁抱 別怕 在我懷裡 You're safe and sound I wrote a poem for you Talk about how I felt in the mood You're like perfect soul food Teach me feel the wave I wrote a poem for you Talk about how I felt in the mood You're like perfect soul food Teach me feel the wave You bring the sunset, yeah How pretty sunset, baby You bring the sunset, yeah How pretty sunset, baby You bring the sunset, yeah How pretty sunset, baby You bring the sunset, yeah How pretty sunset, baby You bring the sunset, yeah How pretty sunset, baby You bring the sunset, yeah How pretty sunset, baby You bring the sunset, yeah How pretty sunset, baby You bring the sunset, yeah How pretty sunset, baby