Yeah, no, no Why you turn on the light You just killing the vibe I just want you to stay 原諒我有點失態 自在 微醺後講話更直白 電影裡討論著誰被愛 誰被甩 而我只想要你 stay by me 累了睡我懷裡 雖然不按牌理 But you can see inside me Or let me inside you 想要在房裡還是在客廳 let you choose 氣氛變色情 so why you tryna leave Why you trynna leave Can't you see This fantasy What you wanna be A friend of me Or enemy Why you trynna leave 幾杯而已 Just stay with me What you trynna be Yeah I can see Your energy 挑一首你愛的 R&B Now the music is part of me Feeling the vibe 合而為一 控制著速度和我的力道 在胸口留下的記號 你想要一起洗澡 怎麼越洗越疲勞 Round and round and round 我越來越燙 床頭一直撞 牆 快分不清楚狀 況了 Hold on yah 浪越大船越晃 不能暈怕受傷 When you're gone 起了床 夢一場 So why you trynna leave Can't you see This fantasy What you wanna be A friend of me Or enemy Why you trynna leave 幾杯而已 Just stay with me What you trynna be Yeah I can see Your energy