Don't write an upbeat song about abortion And if you do don't rhyme abortion with: "good fortune" Don't It's a bad idea Don't don't It should be clear That no one wants to hear even want to hear a portion of a song about abortion And don't write a snappy tune about the holacaust And if you do don't rhyme holacaust with: "get your salad tossed" Don't It's a bad idea Don't don't It should be clear That you would have to be soft to enjoy a song about the holacaust Why? Cause it's A bad idea, a bad idea, a bad idea Holacaust Abortion Check it out yo Holacaust, abortion, holacaust Abortion When we say "Hola" you say "Caust" "Hola" "Caust" "Hola" "Caust" When we say "Abor" you "Tion" "Abor" "Tion" "Abor" "Tion" When we say "Gascham" you say "Ber" "Gascham" "Ber" "Gascham" "Ber" When we say "Coathang" you say "Er" "Coathang" "Er" "Coathang" "Er" Holacaust, abortion Abortion Now this is actually a good idea tune About getting the Nazi While they're still in the womb Convince their moms to get these time travleing abortions From the future Convince them that it will suite their needs And end these killing sprees Of all the Jews, and gays, and Gypsy By these Noddie, noddie, Nazi This was a Good idea, good idea, good idea No? Okay. This was a Bad idea, a bad idea But bad ideas don't exist when you have a time machine