You are the child, my brethen Of a sacrifice, a gift A legend in the shape of an island Set you free Deserve it Ask yourself Why you cannot escape from the struggle Steel yourself with your inner shield Delve into the chambers of your own consciousness And you'll see Seek among the shrapnel of your core You'll find a battlefield And your nations cruise on floating forteresses Conflict and battle run thick in your bloodline Pledge allegiance to your own life The song of Atlantis shall dispel your doubts Proudly step on the road that will lead you Through blizzards and straits Toward a powerful change Side by side, sanctifying life With a new hymn which is not warlike The gold standard of fame will crumble As we speak, walls and divisions fade So we federate in our common pain Close the chapter of despair We hail the morning of this new age And your nations cruise on floating forteresses Conflict and battle run thick in your bloodline Pledge allegiance to your own life The song of Atlantis shall dispel your doubts Proudly step on the road that will lead you Through blizzards and straits Toward a powerful change