衝動の心に風薙ぐ 闇に彷徨い堕ちて 閉ざす唯Elsen heart 満ちてゆくエーテルの宇宙 Stand alone Night after night, 時告げるDestiny Infinite universe von dunkelheit revive again 焦燥の心に帆が立つ 感情の海に堕ちて 戦いは誰がために 湧き上がる心 grows my exist Stand alone Night after night, 時を詠むDestiny Infinite universe von dunkelheit revive again 静寂へ Hawk crest in the underground, just unleash void of emotion 放たれた midnight sun is shining 黄昏の(Nordic twilight)king, king with thone Explose in mein Kampf Sturm und Drang Storm and urge Into the storm 心 closing for my resurrection 瞳の奥閉ざす 嵐のように Hawk crest in the underground, just unleash void of emotion 放たれたmidnight sun is shining 黄昏の(Nordic twilight)king, king with thone Explose in mein Kampf 鳴呼 闇包む宇宙 広がる虚無の夜 蘇るexist Twilight 黄昏の(Nordic twilight)king, king with thone Explose in my, thone in my, Explose in mein Kampf Sturm und Drang Storm and urge