Oh God, They've spilled AIDS And cleaned it up with cancer Spread disease In the shadow Of the new high score. Usher in the new plague, With a face that we can trust. Attracted, To the scent Of someone doing worse than us Distracted, We keep Spinning The wheel Driven into our holding cell 6x6, fluorescent lights and no sign Of your Self- Worth Because if we fail, These unforgiving streets won't feed the homeless (We're hopeless) So riot, A prison cell is your meal ticket Take it The best you'll ever get Is a life of constant disappointment So fight it Success is a bold faced fucking lie, The only guarantee is that I'll die We see the hook But still we bite it So sign your life away Or lock it up Either way, A constant struggle awaits you Because God knows: We don't drive the roads we paved with gold, We were only hired To polish them And my American dream was just a Nightmare In god we trust but he is just a Stranger So what's one more straw on an already Broken back When death taxes and the unexpected are All I have.