Hay lad did ye get the water meter yet? Now they put the water meter just outside our gate There's no point in complaining sure now it is too late To keep the water charges down there's one thing we can do Don't ever flush the toilet 'till we all go to the loo.
If you want to save on water you'll have to be discrete Don't leave the tap a running when you brush your teeth Don't ever fill the kettle when your making tea And when you have a shower don't stay in there all day. ♪ Don't leave the tapa a running that's money down the drain If your old pipes are leaking, more Euros you'll be paying Believe or believe not a quare thing I'll tell you One third of all the water used is flushed down the loo Now they put the water meter just outside our gate There's no point in complaining sure now it is too late To keep the water charges down there's one thing we can do Don't ever flush the toilet 'till we all go to the loo.