Aye Beowulf Beowulf Shout out Ms. Brooks Shout out Beowulf N Grindle Aye Beowulf Beowulf Beowulf Beowulf Beowulf Beowulf Beowulf Beowulf Beowulf Beowulf Beowulf He's a keepa da peace In the east cuz I Feast on a beast Yeah we commin through w E Aye Aye Think I just came w the geese Aye Beowulf run on da streets Always shot up w a beast and sip on lean Countin' up bribe on da scene Dragon skin all on my jean I got chain all on my Tee Grindle flew up w da seat You wanna fight me imma pull up this teeth You kill 30 a my friends while they sleepin' Think you gon live? Boy you dreamin' Imma come for you Marchin' w my demons You can't run from me, Yeah, you ain't fleein' Imma grip up on ya talons I got talent You don't want no action Trynna break my walls Yeah, you can't They were built for cappin' I don't care If my homies filled w fear Imma leave you here Throat cut Leave you full a tears Momma runnin' through our village She gon pillage everything we got Breakin' pots, smashin' shiny stores Leave em in their cots Swimmin' to the bottom a the deep end Get ta freakin' Imma kill yo momma cuz she beefin' Beowulf Beowulf Beowulf Beowulf Beowulf Beowulf Ooo Beowulf Beowulf Beowulf Beowulf Beowulf They were 80 years old N i still pretend like people Yeah, nobody is equal but they still wait for a sequel