Barang-barang-barang-barangbangbangbaa! Hue hue hue hue hue! Yo baby! It's almost diggedy-play One second! Haha! We're gonna rob Madam Tussauds Jællabælla gile laffel og rain Let's godichyja And we go like nein! Like suger and spice So den fine rassen så rass, so nice! Robba Bob nein! Like suger and spice So we told rassen sånn everything nice Robba Bob nice! Hey, vi fikk høna kanskje heis, so we told rassen sånn everything nice And we goin' nice! So nice, so nice, so nice! Haha, the ten year old Asper looks like: "I don't wanna ask himself, Dan is too soft for me" Haha, Digby-On sein on me, haha! Dibt on soulbart! Listen on Ristma, we're gonna rob Madam Tussauds! Rrrrrrrr Hey, -- Ikke ferdig!