Thoughts and emotions that attract lack. Lending your attention and energy to the Existence of lack, the more you feel it. There are specific emotions that Create lack and make it grow stronger. To the existence of lack: Fear, Anxiety, Helplessness, Hopelessness, Pessimism, Doubt, frustration, worry resentments, Jealousy, Everytime you choose of these focuses you create more lack. In order to turn lack into abundance You have to avoid investing in these negative emotions. That's not easy to do. I know. This is particularly true when you're Feeling stressed by financial issues. As your natural tendency is to stress Over them and try to find a solution. But everytime you allow yourselves to feel These emotions you keep making matters worse. There are two things that you can do to Prevent these emotions from creating more lack. First avoid syncing in the feelings like those describe above. As soon as you noticed yourself stressed or starting to feel stressed Or worried about money, Immediately shift your focus to something else. You can engage in a bit of self talk if it helps, something like, " There's no point to worrying about something I can't Control so I'm going to focus on something that makes me feel good. Then, spend time on un related activities. You don't need to ignore financial crisis or sure key to your Responsibilities rather give these issues the Attention it requires do what you can do to make them better. If it makes you feel better, Get a second job or refinance, consolidate your loans. But most important is to avoid investing negative Emotions into these issues as you work to resolve them. Stay as detach as you can while doing what you have to do. Secondly, begin directing more positive Emotions toward your financial situation. Even if you have to engage in a bit of fantasizing in order to do so You need to get some positive emotions Flowing so that you can attract more abundance. There are many ways to do this. But one that actually works for me is to keep affirming. " I always have more than enough money for everything I need". Just keep saying it over and over again. Allowing yourself to feel confident and Happy that your financial needs are being met. This is also a good thing to do when you notice you're Starting to feel worried or frightened about not having enough money. Just immediately turn the focus around and say " I always have more than enough money for everything I need". Say it with power and conviction in Your voice and realy believe that it is so. As you begin shifting your focus from negative emotions to positive Emotions, you should start to notice your Financial situations also shift into a better place. YOu might received an unexpected check in the mail. You might Get a bonus or pay race at work or you might even notice You're starting to receive unexpected Gifts from other people or companies. These are great signs that it's working. Keep replacing negative emotions with positive as often as possible And you'll keep the good energy flowing, Which will keep inspiring greater and greater change in your life.