Day 7 Shifting into an abundant reality. By now, you've got a solid idea of the facts, Emotions and actions you should avoid at all Cost in order to banish lack from your life forever. You've also got some clear simple Steps you can begin taking right away. To begin attracting more abundance into your life. Did you know that you can instantly create Change by simply shifting into an abundant reality? Right now you are living from a specific reality, Oftentimes your reality isn't exactly what you want it to be? You don 't have money as much as you like To have. And perhaps you've got lack in other areas too. In your mind this is the truth it is the Perspective you live from in every moment of every day. But if you would like to change your Perspective simply by changing your mindset you can. You could do this by thinking feeling and acting like You would and if your reality were actually different. How would you think feel and act if you had all the money you wanted? How would you think feel and act if you are Successful, happy and content with your life. A better would be different than you Think feel and act right now, am I right? Starting immediately I wanna encourage you to feel think and act like A person who is already living the life he or she wants to be living. Make a list of words that describe How you would feel in this new reality. Examples. Happy, secure, wealthy, content, confidence, fulfilled, Passionate, alive, joyful, grateful, relaxed, peaceful. Keep these list of words handy and then start Thinking feeling and acting that way as often as possible. Now, Keep in mind that you'll probably Feel strange doing this at the beginning. It will feel like you're almost acting on a Play or you're like lying to yourself as normal. Because your current self image won't match up With the new self image that you're trying to adopt. That's ok. The more you do this, The more comfortable you're going to get with it. Eventually, your physical circumstances are Going to start shifting in a new direction. This does work, Just keep at it as often as you can, Consciously choosing to live from your new reality. Become the person who is living the life you want to Be living and you will create that life for yourself. More than anything else, Know that using the law of attraction to improve any area of your Life is as simple as learning to Think feel and act in different ways. The ways your life is right now is not an accident. Result if from very specific things You did to create your circumstances. THis is not a statement to make you feel badly. But rather to show you that you do have the power to