How To Attract Your Dream Job Day number 1 what is the law of attraction And how does it attract my dream job The law of attraction is activated By your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions And returns corresponding experiences into your life If you intend to think positively much of the time You probably most have positive experiences Likewise, If you intend to think negatively much of the time You probably have a fair number of negative experiences. Your beliefs provide the framework for your thoughts and feelings As well as for the things you allow into your life Even if you think and feel positively much of the time, Holding limiting beliefs can block The things you would otherwise attract How is your career affected by all of these There are many ways but one is the type of work you do for a living Most often, We choose our line of work Base on the set of belief and preferences Sometimes it didn't seem that you choose your work As much as it chose you Did you make a conscious decision to pursue your current career Or did you kindly fall into it Without much conscious decision making on your part It's very common for most people to choose a career Because of limiting beliefs For example, you may have had dreamed of 1 course as a child But were repeatedly told by parents and Other authority figure that it wasn't practical So you settled for a career with more stability and security Or you may have felt that your desired career wouldn't be possible Because you didn't have the talent to or confidence to pursue it So, you chose something you felt you could handle No matter what your specific circumstances maybe Know that your subconscious thoughts and beliefs play a large role In where you find yourself in your career today That make me sound like it's out of your control But Just the opposite is true Even if you chose your current career Without consciously intending to You can learn how to shift your thoughts and emotions And alter your belief so that you purposely Attract the career that suits you better