Norman Vincent Peale - Believe That You Can and You Can lyrics
Artist: Norman Vincent Peale
album: Achieving Personal Success
Believe that you can and you can.
That is not a mere play on words,
That is one of the greatest psychology facts known to the human race.
It is also one of the greatest of all spiritual teachings.
And spiritual teachings are never
Predicated on fantasy, always on the truth.
So if there's something you want to do and you
Can't do it and you believe and strong enough.
You gotta believe in death.
Believe that you can and you can.
Now the first time I ever heard that was when I was in
The 5th grade in school which really is that long ago.
I grew up in Cincinnati, in the banks of the Ohio river.
And my teacher in the 5th grade was a man named George Ridge he
Weighed according to my researches 240
Pounds, great huge man and he stood 6 feet 4.
He was a member of my father's church,
He was a great christian and an equally great teacher.
And he had a frown in his face to cover up a big gelo heart.
Occasionally, in school Apparently for no reason he would go over the
Black board and Can't then he would dust his hands off with the chalk
And then he will walk around and he's say Look at that,
We all look when he said to look you look and no fool,
Then he said What shall I do now,
We knew what he wanted and we
Chanted back knocked the tea off the can.
With a sweeping gesture he will erase the t and the apostrophe
Laying on the big word CAN standing out there clear and distinct.
And he'd say, Let it be a lesson to you.
Believe that you can and you can.
And then he would recite a passage of scripture.
Of course it will be in the spring court now.
But he did it in the day when we had full religion in this country.
And he'd say., I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Now from the standpoint of the Pentecost g,
You may think that it's overly simplistic,
But what is the purpose of Pedigo G,
To get in the mind of the student
That'll hang on them throughout their lives.
Believe that you can and you can.
That's a great message of the bible.
According to your faith, it shall be done unto you.
As you have believe so shall it be.
Now that is a basic fundamental essence.
So if you're going through life now,
Not believing that you can,
You're not living up to your full potential.
When people come in to church in Sunday, we try to remind them,
Who are you anyway,
You're a child of God created in God's image
In his likeness and given dominion over things.
We're not cavemist, we're giants., we should act and live like giants.
Now of course, when you believe that you can,
You create the power of your inner resources into situation.
A friend of mine is a minister over at Jersey in white cost.
Donor Ekwood, his name, he and I are fellow athletic fans,
He sent me an illustration note which
He think I can use in how right he is.
The Boston marathon was run only a few weeks ago and the man who won
It was Alberto Salazar,
He came in first but he didn't get the publicity.
The man who came in 985th he got the publicity, Why?
His name was Ger Tsch.
The marathon is 26 miles, at the 7th mile post,
Ger felt a terrible pain in his leg, And for a moment,
It threw him off his pace and he had to decide whether to continue,
He run the succeeding 19 miles and when he cross the finish line,
His legs gave out from under him and He clasp and become unconscious.
They immediately took him to the
Hospital where he regain consciousness.
They took x-rays of his legs,
And came up with the conclusion that when he had
That pain at the 7th mile stone, he had broken his leg.
And he ran 19 miles on a broken leg.
How can he do it.
The doctor said first he was in the pick of
Physical condition and he had a clean discipline mind.
And as later as entertain, a deep personal faith.
What happened?
The body always want to help you.
So the muscles formed what was
Similar to a cast around the broken leg.
Resources here, even your muscles will work with you if you think
Right, and if you believe right,
And When finally he cross the finish line,
The muscles will presumably were
Getting tired, relaxed and his legs gave out.
What do you think?
Now you see you and I are in a race, a race of life.,
Up hills and down in the dark valley,
And sometimes we believe that we can't make it.
But we've got a mechanism called faith in Jesus Christ.
This I believe actually builds a cast around
Our purposes and gives us a supportive power.
So when you believe that you can't, build your faith stronger.
Learn to believe, Dont believe in electorally,
Believe deeply, emotionally in a dedicated fashion.
And even as physical muscles took that man.
Drooling race on the face muscles
Will see it through in the race of life.
I have a letter here from a young lady, who lives in Arizona
She says, About two years ago, an exciting idea or goal came to me.
It was an idea of something to accomplish with my life.
Along with the idea, came a sense of peace,
It was like finding the missing piece to a
Puzzle that you've worked on all your life.
Suddenly, with this idea everything fit.
However, the financial cost,
Connected with the idea seemed too large to over come.
So the idea was pushed to the back of my head.
I couldn't do it.
Then I sing about god though,
Is if he gives you an idea he
Somehow keeps bringing it up all the time.
Every time I turned around, the idea was there hunting me,
Whenever the idea came up.,
I would pray and ask God if it's what he really
Wanted me to do, and each time my answer would be Yes.
My problem was that after I got my answer, I kept coming up with but.
I never trusted God to show the way and to provide the financial
Means, The fact is I never asked God to show me
How, i just logically figured it was impossible.
Somewhere I forgot that God is bigger
Than finance or any other impossibility.
She's a smart girl.
Anyway, a few months ago, a friend loan me your book,
The Power of positive thinking,
All through the book and things keep jumping out at me.
By the time I reach chapter 13 I was almost sure you
Were pointing a finger at me especially with one sentence.
And this is the sentence, It is as simple as this,
Put your problem in God's hand Believe you can and you can.
So I've done just that.
My idea is in process of being completed.
Thanks for giving me the trust In God,
Why chose me for this project,
I'm not sure but I'm thankful now that he did.
Well, maybe one day we'll meet and
I'll tell you how I accomplish by the idea.
Here's a nice young girl,
I presume she's young who didn't really believe in herself.
We've been constantly reminding you who you are.
She put the problem in Gods hand,
She believe that she could, she could.
And she could.
Now you know if you have a low
Opinion of yourself, that's a sad situation.
You are greater than you think you are.
If you really get converted you'll have a normal
Concept of yourself and you can do wonderful things.
This is not theoretical,
I've been working with this for a longtime
And I've seen the results in thousands of people.
For example, I was reading the other night,
One of my own books,
You can see to what desperate streets i was redo.
I was looking for something.
And I came across the story that I have one in those books about my
Friend of mine whom I dearly love he's deceased
Now, I still love him his name is Paul Soupiset.
He run a lady's ready to wear shop,
I think they call it in Houston texas.
But he didn't his life was a manic or something,
He had greater to do something great in the world.
And since he didn't get to do it,
He resorted to alcohol and especially on saturday night he would go
On a drunk, Sunday morning he will send his wife
And children to Sunday school while he slept at all.
And one night, he always listen to my radio talks,
They came in there, Sunday morning, he says,
I said, Don't lie there and not believing in yourself.
Get up and get with it and be what God intended you to be.
Now, whether I said that,
I don't really know but that's what he said, that's what he heard.
So he got out of bed, knelt down by the bed and give himself to God.
Surely after that,
They moved him to San Antonio and gave him a bigger shop.
But still he was dissatisfied.
One day walking through the little village of
Labalita in San Antonio, he saw an empty church.
An old German methodist church.
He found out who the authorities were and he went to them and told
Them that he was a methodist though not German and could he use
This church to talk to the poor, under privilege of San Antonio.
And they gave it to him it was filled up with people of all kinds
White people black people, poor people, poor peans, Mexicans,
With which the city is fill he had them all there.,
Gradually people more affluence starting coming to church.
All he did to them was to remind them who what they could be through
Christ, And they all seem to have a kind of a feeling of
Gratitude feeling to me, said I was the agent of his conversion.
And So he raise a money and he put
Some bells in the steeple of the church.
Caroline bells,
And he put a plaque at the side of
The building dedicating his bells to me.
And then he wrote to me and told me he'd done this and He
Insisted that I come there for the
Dedication of bells, free of charge.
So, I'd never had any bells dedicated to me before.
And I had a vision of them peeling out to watch all over the city.
So I went down and helped him dedicate the bells, gave a talk.
Then their ceremony of dedication came along
And a a big how can you fellow dedicate the bells.
And my friend Paul leaned over to me and he's an ex drunk and he said
That this is the first time he'll ever
Appear in public in his life, he's scared to death.
I can see his knees were shaking like an aspen leaf.
And he got up and he grabbled a couple of time, and then he said.
Friends and fellow citizens,
We hereby dedicate this bell to the glory
Of God and in memory of Norman Vincent Peale.
I had to remind him I wasn't dead yet.
Then Paul told anybody who wanted their lives to be better,
Come forward and kneel down at the altar
That; s the old face method they're doing.
Any headroom there for about 40,
Some stood up couldn't find a place to kneel down.
And there was a little mexican man and he said to him,
Amigo, do you want Jesus, ah si senior si senior I want Jesus.
He put his hand on his head and he said, Receive Jesus.
And then there was a little girl, sweet little thing.
And he said to her, Honey, do you love Jesus.
Ahh yes Mr.
Paul I love Jesus.
And then there was a beautiful elderly woman with white her
Exquisitely clothe obviously high society, she has a hand class.
And he said to her.
Mama, do you want Jesus.
Oh yes Mr.
Paul, I live a sinful life I can't
Bare what my life is, help me find him.
That is not a mere play on words,
That is one of the greatest psychology facts known to the human race.
It is also one of the greatest of all spiritual teachings.
And spiritual teachings are never
Predicated on fantasy, always on the truth.
So if there's something you want to do and you
Can't do it and you believe and strong enough.
You gotta believe in death.
Believe that you can and you can.
Now the first time I ever heard that was when I was in
The 5th grade in school which really is that long ago.
I grew up in Cincinnati, in the banks of the Ohio river.
And my teacher in the 5th grade was a man named George Ridge he
Weighed according to my researches 240
Pounds, great huge man and he stood 6 feet 4.
He was a member of my father's church,
He was a great christian and an equally great teacher.
And he had a frown in his face to cover up a big gelo heart.
Occasionally, in school Apparently for no reason he would go over the
Black board and Can't then he would dust his hands off with the chalk
And then he will walk around and he's say Look at that,
We all look when he said to look you look and no fool,
Then he said What shall I do now,
We knew what he wanted and we
Chanted back knocked the tea off the can.
With a sweeping gesture he will erase the t and the apostrophe
Laying on the big word CAN standing out there clear and distinct.
And he'd say, Let it be a lesson to you.
Believe that you can and you can.
And then he would recite a passage of scripture.
Of course it will be in the spring court now.
But he did it in the day when we had full religion in this country.
And he'd say., I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Now from the standpoint of the Pentecost g,
You may think that it's overly simplistic,
But what is the purpose of Pedigo G,
To get in the mind of the student
That'll hang on them throughout their lives.
Believe that you can and you can.
That's a great message of the bible.
According to your faith, it shall be done unto you.
As you have believe so shall it be.
Now that is a basic fundamental essence.
So if you're going through life now,
Not believing that you can,
You're not living up to your full potential.
When people come in to church in Sunday, we try to remind them,
Who are you anyway,
You're a child of God created in God's image
In his likeness and given dominion over things.
We're not cavemist, we're giants., we should act and live like giants.
Now of course, when you believe that you can,
You create the power of your inner resources into situation.
A friend of mine is a minister over at Jersey in white cost.
Donor Ekwood, his name, he and I are fellow athletic fans,
He sent me an illustration note which
He think I can use in how right he is.
The Boston marathon was run only a few weeks ago and the man who won
It was Alberto Salazar,
He came in first but he didn't get the publicity.
The man who came in 985th he got the publicity, Why?
His name was Ger Tsch.
The marathon is 26 miles, at the 7th mile post,
Ger felt a terrible pain in his leg, And for a moment,
It threw him off his pace and he had to decide whether to continue,
He run the succeeding 19 miles and when he cross the finish line,
His legs gave out from under him and He clasp and become unconscious.
They immediately took him to the
Hospital where he regain consciousness.
They took x-rays of his legs,
And came up with the conclusion that when he had
That pain at the 7th mile stone, he had broken his leg.
And he ran 19 miles on a broken leg.
How can he do it.
The doctor said first he was in the pick of
Physical condition and he had a clean discipline mind.
And as later as entertain, a deep personal faith.
What happened?
The body always want to help you.
So the muscles formed what was
Similar to a cast around the broken leg.
Resources here, even your muscles will work with you if you think
Right, and if you believe right,
And When finally he cross the finish line,
The muscles will presumably were
Getting tired, relaxed and his legs gave out.
What do you think?
Now you see you and I are in a race, a race of life.,
Up hills and down in the dark valley,
And sometimes we believe that we can't make it.
But we've got a mechanism called faith in Jesus Christ.
This I believe actually builds a cast around
Our purposes and gives us a supportive power.
So when you believe that you can't, build your faith stronger.
Learn to believe, Dont believe in electorally,
Believe deeply, emotionally in a dedicated fashion.
And even as physical muscles took that man.
Drooling race on the face muscles
Will see it through in the race of life.
I have a letter here from a young lady, who lives in Arizona
She says, About two years ago, an exciting idea or goal came to me.
It was an idea of something to accomplish with my life.
Along with the idea, came a sense of peace,
It was like finding the missing piece to a
Puzzle that you've worked on all your life.
Suddenly, with this idea everything fit.
However, the financial cost,
Connected with the idea seemed too large to over come.
So the idea was pushed to the back of my head.
I couldn't do it.
Then I sing about god though,
Is if he gives you an idea he
Somehow keeps bringing it up all the time.
Every time I turned around, the idea was there hunting me,
Whenever the idea came up.,
I would pray and ask God if it's what he really
Wanted me to do, and each time my answer would be Yes.
My problem was that after I got my answer, I kept coming up with but.
I never trusted God to show the way and to provide the financial
Means, The fact is I never asked God to show me
How, i just logically figured it was impossible.
Somewhere I forgot that God is bigger
Than finance or any other impossibility.
She's a smart girl.
Anyway, a few months ago, a friend loan me your book,
The Power of positive thinking,
All through the book and things keep jumping out at me.
By the time I reach chapter 13 I was almost sure you
Were pointing a finger at me especially with one sentence.
And this is the sentence, It is as simple as this,
Put your problem in God's hand Believe you can and you can.
So I've done just that.
My idea is in process of being completed.
Thanks for giving me the trust In God,
Why chose me for this project,
I'm not sure but I'm thankful now that he did.
Well, maybe one day we'll meet and
I'll tell you how I accomplish by the idea.
Here's a nice young girl,
I presume she's young who didn't really believe in herself.
We've been constantly reminding you who you are.
She put the problem in Gods hand,
She believe that she could, she could.
And she could.
Now you know if you have a low
Opinion of yourself, that's a sad situation.
You are greater than you think you are.
If you really get converted you'll have a normal
Concept of yourself and you can do wonderful things.
This is not theoretical,
I've been working with this for a longtime
And I've seen the results in thousands of people.
For example, I was reading the other night,
One of my own books,
You can see to what desperate streets i was redo.
I was looking for something.
And I came across the story that I have one in those books about my
Friend of mine whom I dearly love he's deceased
Now, I still love him his name is Paul Soupiset.
He run a lady's ready to wear shop,
I think they call it in Houston texas.
But he didn't his life was a manic or something,
He had greater to do something great in the world.
And since he didn't get to do it,
He resorted to alcohol and especially on saturday night he would go
On a drunk, Sunday morning he will send his wife
And children to Sunday school while he slept at all.
And one night, he always listen to my radio talks,
They came in there, Sunday morning, he says,
I said, Don't lie there and not believing in yourself.
Get up and get with it and be what God intended you to be.
Now, whether I said that,
I don't really know but that's what he said, that's what he heard.
So he got out of bed, knelt down by the bed and give himself to God.
Surely after that,
They moved him to San Antonio and gave him a bigger shop.
But still he was dissatisfied.
One day walking through the little village of
Labalita in San Antonio, he saw an empty church.
An old German methodist church.
He found out who the authorities were and he went to them and told
Them that he was a methodist though not German and could he use
This church to talk to the poor, under privilege of San Antonio.
And they gave it to him it was filled up with people of all kinds
White people black people, poor people, poor peans, Mexicans,
With which the city is fill he had them all there.,
Gradually people more affluence starting coming to church.
All he did to them was to remind them who what they could be through
Christ, And they all seem to have a kind of a feeling of
Gratitude feeling to me, said I was the agent of his conversion.
And So he raise a money and he put
Some bells in the steeple of the church.
Caroline bells,
And he put a plaque at the side of
The building dedicating his bells to me.
And then he wrote to me and told me he'd done this and He
Insisted that I come there for the
Dedication of bells, free of charge.
So, I'd never had any bells dedicated to me before.
And I had a vision of them peeling out to watch all over the city.
So I went down and helped him dedicate the bells, gave a talk.
Then their ceremony of dedication came along
And a a big how can you fellow dedicate the bells.
And my friend Paul leaned over to me and he's an ex drunk and he said
That this is the first time he'll ever
Appear in public in his life, he's scared to death.
I can see his knees were shaking like an aspen leaf.
And he got up and he grabbled a couple of time, and then he said.
Friends and fellow citizens,
We hereby dedicate this bell to the glory
Of God and in memory of Norman Vincent Peale.
I had to remind him I wasn't dead yet.
Then Paul told anybody who wanted their lives to be better,
Come forward and kneel down at the altar
That; s the old face method they're doing.
Any headroom there for about 40,
Some stood up couldn't find a place to kneel down.
And there was a little mexican man and he said to him,
Amigo, do you want Jesus, ah si senior si senior I want Jesus.
He put his hand on his head and he said, Receive Jesus.
And then there was a little girl, sweet little thing.
And he said to her, Honey, do you love Jesus.
Ahh yes Mr.
Paul I love Jesus.
And then there was a beautiful elderly woman with white her
Exquisitely clothe obviously high society, she has a hand class.
And he said to her.
Mama, do you want Jesus.
Oh yes Mr.
Paul, I live a sinful life I can't
Bare what my life is, help me find him.
Other albums by the artist
Reaching Goals - Norman Vincent Peale
2016 · single
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