Norman Vincent Peale - Unmasking Dishonesty lyrics
Artist: Norman Vincent Peale
album: Live with Confidence, Vol. 2: Fourteen More Lessons for Living
To take a pretty outlook on life in general.
I've witnessed first hand how the most ordinary
And simple people and I include Telf in that category.
Contain failure in the success just by resolving that
They were going to get on to the right track and stay there.
But every now and then,
I look closely at this so called cool society of ours
And I wonder if we're gonna make it around the next turn.
Well, I'm still optimistic all things
Considered but we have a saboteur in our amidst.
One which constantly tugs and nicks away a very fabric of our society.
And the name of that saboteur is dishonesty an
Old fashioned name for an old fashioned disease.
Today, you'll hear the term credibility gap.
But I think it's important to use the old fashioned name because
The trouble with dishonesty today
Is at its parading around in the sky.
A lot of people just don't see it for what it is.
Many people failed to recognize dishonesty cause they
Somehow think it's become irrelevant after a certain point.
They simply think you outgrow it like a bib or short pants.
Let me give you an example,
I was riding on a 5th Ave bus in Manhattan a while ago and I
Notice the father and son get on along with some other people.
The boy could have been over maybe 14,
I heard the boy brag to his father how he
Managed to slip by the driver and keep his bus fare.
Father said, my son is just a downright thief, a crook ha.
Oh Dad, the boy said just like that Oh Dad,
It isn't anything,
The bus company is rich, they don't need the money.
Well then and there that father gave his son a
Short course against transportation economics.
Showing how there been no buses
Arrived if everybody has his son's attitude.
He ordered his son to march up to the driver,
Admit he dodged the fare box,
And hand over the proper amount or else.
Well, when the boy came back to his feet,
His father gave him an affectionate type and a smile.
You know something,
That kid will never forget that lesson with one stern lesson as
Embarrassing as it was that
Youngsters moral confusion really vanished.
Then Franklin used to say, honesty is the best policy.
And old ben who was no slouches of business knew what he was talking.
I've witnessed first hand how the most ordinary
And simple people and I include Telf in that category.
Contain failure in the success just by resolving that
They were going to get on to the right track and stay there.
But every now and then,
I look closely at this so called cool society of ours
And I wonder if we're gonna make it around the next turn.
Well, I'm still optimistic all things
Considered but we have a saboteur in our amidst.
One which constantly tugs and nicks away a very fabric of our society.
And the name of that saboteur is dishonesty an
Old fashioned name for an old fashioned disease.
Today, you'll hear the term credibility gap.
But I think it's important to use the old fashioned name because
The trouble with dishonesty today
Is at its parading around in the sky.
A lot of people just don't see it for what it is.
Many people failed to recognize dishonesty cause they
Somehow think it's become irrelevant after a certain point.
They simply think you outgrow it like a bib or short pants.
Let me give you an example,
I was riding on a 5th Ave bus in Manhattan a while ago and I
Notice the father and son get on along with some other people.
The boy could have been over maybe 14,
I heard the boy brag to his father how he
Managed to slip by the driver and keep his bus fare.
Father said, my son is just a downright thief, a crook ha.
Oh Dad, the boy said just like that Oh Dad,
It isn't anything,
The bus company is rich, they don't need the money.
Well then and there that father gave his son a
Short course against transportation economics.
Showing how there been no buses
Arrived if everybody has his son's attitude.
He ordered his son to march up to the driver,
Admit he dodged the fare box,
And hand over the proper amount or else.
Well, when the boy came back to his feet,
His father gave him an affectionate type and a smile.
You know something,
That kid will never forget that lesson with one stern lesson as
Embarrassing as it was that
Youngsters moral confusion really vanished.
Then Franklin used to say, honesty is the best policy.
And old ben who was no slouches of business knew what he was talking.
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