An eagle is circling over the valley, its razor-sharp wingtips not moving at all The sun's shining brightly, peaks casting a shadow, a shadow looming dark and tall A mighty pine tree bent by natures forces, by a wind that long stopped blowing A creek of clear and purling water, frozen in time Who could have known Nobody told us Nothing to be seen Nobody knew it Nobody saw it The final eulogy Fissures on the edges, stains dispreading, gore bled by a long-forgotten past Colors once bright and true, now yellowed, lifeless, lost at last The only sound still to be heard, the rubbing of dried out brittle paper That eagle still spreading its wings in vain, never to come home again Who could have known Nobody told us Nothing to be seen Nobody knew it Nobody saw it The final eulogy Who could have known Nobody told us Nothing to be seen Nobody knew it Nobody saw it The final eulogy