Mad max! Angry! Nine ton hammer! ♪ Too much more mass Too much more 愚か need a suppressor 性fall down 妄想 Inner feeling 紳士淑女 Pest control 抑止 Psycho Not divination but imitation じゃなくyour mercy Passion バクシーン Rush Hot emotions Hot love Theory 通り燃やせ Cherish the show Cherish the beach Cherish my soul Cherish the wave Cherish the show Cherish the beach Cherish my soul Cherish the wave.Into the flame Too much more mass Too much more 愚か need a suppressor 性fall down 妄想 Inner feeling 紳士淑女 Pest control 抑止 Psycho Not divination but imitation じゃなくyour mercy Passion バクシーン Rush Hot emotions Hot love Theory 通り燃やせ Cherish the show Cherish the beach Cherish my soul Cherish the wave Cherish the show Cherish the beach Cherish my soul Cherish the wave Into the flame ♪ Cherish the show Cherish the beach Cherish my soul Cherish the wave Cherish the show Cherish the beach Cherish my soul Cherish the wave Cherish the show Cherish the beach Cherish my soul Cherish the wave Cherish the show Cherish the beach Cherish my soul Cherish the wave.Into the flame Into the flame Into the flame