I feel the wind from a different season and I think What kind of look right now should I have on my face Convenient excuses I cast like a spell Just waiting to wake up from this horrible dream I blame myself for that but in the end I'm just trying to make myself feel better Is this what I imagined back then my life to be The end will it come in a way that I wish for The light that hits me Creates hope and despair for me and the Light that hits me Shows me that I have these two roads So inside the shadow of today I rather place A flower and I'll say farewell These ideals that are kept carefully Are easily be lost and turned into the past But when a friend's voice passes through the mind It will stop any kind of rain It will lead me to the next new door So is this, what I imagined back then my life to be The end will it come in a way that I am wishing for The wind from a different season is no longer here Inside I feel a new breath of life satisfying me 季節はずれの風を感じ想う 「僕は今どんな顔をすればいいですか」 都合のいい言い訳を呪文のように唱えて ずっと悪い夢が覚めるのを待ってる 自分を責めることで結局自分をなぐさめる これが僕の描いた人生のサイクルなの? 人が望む終わりに本当の終わりは来るの? 光は僕を射し 絶望と希望を作り出す 光は僕を射し 二つの道で問いかける 僕は今日の影に花をそえて別れを告げる方を選ぶよ 大事に抱えた理想は いとも簡単に過去に変わる でも僕の頭をかすめる友の声は 降り止まない雨を止め 次の扉に導いてくれる これが僕の描いた人生のサイクルなの? 人が望む終わりに本当の終わりは来るの? 季節はずれの風は止み 新しい息吹が僕を満たしていく