I love you lord And i lift my voice To worship you Oh my soul rejoice Take joy my king In what you hear Let it be a sweet Sweet sound in your ear Can we worship him lifting our hands before the throne I love you lord And i lift my voice To worship you Oh my soul rejoice Take joy my king Take joy my king In what you hear Let it be a sweet smelling aroma of worship Let it be a sweet Sweet sound in your ear We raise our voices and worship We exalt thee lord We exalt thee We exalt thee Oh lord Oooh lord We exaaalt thee We exalt thee Father we lift our hands and worship We exalt thee We exalt your holy name We exalt thee Oh lord yeahh Oh lord We exalt thee We exalt thee We exalt thee lord We exalt thee Ooooohhhh Oh lord We exalt thee Father we exalt your name We exalt thee Oh mighty God My my my God Halelujhah We exalt the OooooWe give you praise Oooooo We exalt you We exalt thee lord