Guy 1: Yo, I just got here. You guys can make your way... Guy 2: I got some bitches coming over! Tellaman: Ay, uyay'thanda iikapu Guy 2: Ah. fucking bum, I forgot that you're whipped now Guy 1: Speaking of whipped, yo, your phone's ringing B Tellaman: What? Guy 1: Yeah [...] is calling? Tellaman: Who is calling? Guy 1: [...] Tellaman: Please pass me the phone real quick dawg, God damn Tellaman asnwering the phone: Hello, hey, hey how you doing? Uhm, Look I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I know I messed up. I just lost track of time, I was in the studio No what, what are you talking about. For real, I am in the studio Hello, hello