You're a bunch of fucking assholes You know why? You don't have the guts to be what you wanna be Bdet el 9essa b tasa cole 5lat l hater w fanet 7kit madheya w elli sar 7kit li rito fl 7ayet 7kit 3la zatla la zipette 7kit 3al ser9a braquaget 7kit 3a rojla w lbnet Nclashi f tarf machachouwet (hahhh) Klem masad9ouhouch la3bed F3al m5a5hom ma9eblouch Habto tsawri fl paget 9alo ybos matsad9ouhouch 9alo lé matab3ouhouch 8adhethom li manta7anch 9alo lé matasm3ouhouch Yseb el 3alem maya7chamch 9awni ro93a manar7amch (man) 9awni khorda manwa5arch (ya3) Khater rajel manodhlomesh Khater rajel mana79arch Rojla b7ar l9awni 9erch (man) L9awni s3ib ki ri7 el cherch (3ahhh) Agressif 7ata fel farch wraya rjel wraya 3arch L9awni ghoul maneta79arch (ya3) L9awni jbal mayhezou ri7 L9awni f 3ini mayekber had L9awni lseni madhi 9bi7 (ya3) Marka bounya marka nti7 Marka fre3 w tlati5 Marka hamla w tsarbi7 (ya3) Niken 7ala w tma5mi5 (ya3 ya3 ya3 paw paw) Class w na3ref kich nchikh 3andi f rasi li bjamjem (man) N9oum a9wa kif nti7 Niveau ekher autre gamme 9ari medicine 9ari l7am 9ari sport w 9ari jram Weld virage ka3ba flame Weld benzart moch gotham Oh my god don't tell my mom Yes your son ma3ach bari2 Mech men tawa maka l3am Men awel 8adra mta3 sadi9 Men awel dho7ket tnoufi9 Men awel ser9a men boutique Men awel bi3a w tarfique Men awel mara dho9t nik (3ahhh) (Ya3 ya3) 5alini seket (Paw paw) R9adet m3a 9tates ta7t meni za3ma metet (ya latif) 5demt b talyena lin 7achek nounetha ble7et Chrabt el chitana lin el ma3da 9sat ksehet (Paw paw paw) You need people like me (You need people like me) You need people like me (You need people like me) You need people like me so you can point your fucking finger And say that's the bad guy (That's the bad guy) You need people like me (You need people like me) You need people like me (You need people like me) You need people like me so you can point your fucking finger And say that's the bad guy (ya3 ya3 ya3 ya3 ya3 ya3 ya3 ya3 ya3) 9talt nes bl 9ahra chefou nsehom kechfou el bahra Chefou el ri9 w chefou el wahra Chefouni 7asou bl no9s (moch meni 3ad) Nsit 9adech men sahra 9adech a7ra9rt men baghla 9adech nescivi men daghra 9adech 7esdo zebi kroz 3ala cha5siti (ya3 ya3) Et ma presence Y3ala tbi3ti t5ayel meme comment je dance (5ayel mta3 zebi) 3ala reponse li na3teha de mon silence 3ala lafkar li nkharajha sans que j'y pense Kich mantaba3 la tandance Y3andi styli allah khir njibha flen ntaba3 ghiri (lotf ala zebi) Rou7i bidha wras mimti ti7 men 3ini (wallah) Jarimet 9atl 3ezet nafsi ala dhamiri 9adri ykikes maykhalini W s3ib li yefhem (s3ib man) 9olt nriski fehmoha jeyebha mojrem (3a zebi) 9olt naf3el jaso zebi b wehed metrem (taw 3ajbek haka) 9olt shnousel 9alo lzebi o93ed e7lem 9alo lzebi 9a3ed to5rem (ey haw fibeli) W haw 3lech Hkit hkeyet m5a5hom matestaw3abhech (ya3 ya3) Warit hajet 3marhom kol maychoufouhesh (wallah man) 3malt 3meyel lyoum eddine maya3mlouhech (ehe 7ata ya3mel krarez) Besmi barka nhez blech Kelma barka nfodh 3bed Nsema7 ama manensech Na7seb ama moch 3ded Na7ki blougha m3a louled Na7ki blougha m3a lebnet Na7ki lougha m3a el rajela W na7ki lougha m3a el fesed 3achra chrab w chtar canette Zouz jben w chtar baguette Na7ki loughet el zoufreya W na7ki loughet cadrouet Cash west masouwet (ya3) Swiss fel risb zouz bnet (ya3) Auto route bin corvette (ya3) Dar mafieu dans une malette (ya3 ya3 ya3 ya3 ya3 ya3) Yo yo ched rou7 el zebda dix episodes ama ena taw bech nabda (Wallah tawa man) Nes karhouni blech sbab w neko el katta (yedkom fl m3ankech) W nes 7abouni w 3la el rap rabew el kebda (Ya3 ya3 ya3 ya3) You need people like me (You need people like me) You need people like me (You need people like me) You need people like me so you can point your fucking finger And say that's the bad guy (That's the bad guy) You need people like me (You need people like me) You need people like me (You need people like me) You need people like me so you can point your fucking finger And say that's the bad guy