As the autumn skies dim and we gaze at the sunset The clouds in the sky mock me They roam free, reaching newer, higher heights While I'm watching, waiting, wondering... Have I done enough? I know it's not enough to wait, to watch Yet... sometimes, it's all I can do Sitting and watching twilight approach Basking in my fondest memories and dreams Sipping a fresh cup of lavender I guess that's okay, in the end It's so easy to get lost in the rush of the day When we all seek to do more, be more Than we ever imagine achieving We'll never catch a break. That's life So, in moments like these When we're allowed a touch of calm Where we're given a chance for repose It's fine to take it slow. To watch. To wait Someday, you'll notice that evening colored horizon Rolling into dusk, take a seat, and ask yourself These same questions on my mind Will it ever be enough?