Ah we're getting a picture on the TV You've got a good picture, huh? There's a great deal of contrast in it And currently it's upside down on monitor But we can make out a fair amount of detail ♪ Okay, we can verify the position The opening I ought to have on the camera ♪ Okay. I just checked getting back up to that first step It didn't collapse too far, but it's adequate to get back up ♪ Buzz this is Houston, F2 oneonesixtieth seconds ♪ I'm at the foot of the ladder The LM foot beds are only depressed in the surface about ♪ Very, very fine-grained as you get close to it It's almost like a powder It's very fine I'm going to step off the LM now That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind ♪ The surface is fine and powdery I can pick it up loosely with my toe It does adhere in fine layers like powdered charcoal to the sole And sides of my boots ♪ That's one small step, small step for man One giant leap for mankind