Your system to subordinate identities Different from the norm, from the straight History as we know, wrote by you. A white man. yes? any others? no. Hand on her arm Oh we know It's what mother learned on her favorite tv show Sexual law Wealthy class boys Fulfilling dreams of post-nuptial joys You're social nonsense But we hear you boast You're a shell of love in a soulless host You settled for marriage Or was it fear? Your children more about love than you queers You taught me order Taught me straight Took other ways to an insecure place off my plate Bunch of lizard brains ashamed again Defining sin of the secular man For your gain Your beady country boy eyes All your maroon shows and your burnt orange skies Texas pride, your football schools Oil money for the few You're the shit we despise And your shitty little eyes You're just shit we despise With your shitty beady eyes Families of fear Domestic hate Communal restraints and your private estates Morality is a fashion show Archaic laws are your status quo