Hold your breath Make a wish Count to three Come with me And you'll be In a world of Pure imagination Take a look And you'll see Into your imagination Welcome aboard my great glass evevator Wow Push that button The one marked "Don't push" That's the one Something crazy's going to happen now, isn't it? How did you guess? We'll begin With a spin Traveling in The world of my creation What we'll see Will defy Explanation Where are we going? Up. Up. Up! If you want to view paradise Simply look around and view it Anything you want to, do it Wanta change the world? There's nothing To it Time to open your eyes. Take a look around. There is no Life I know To compare with Pure imagination Living there You'll be free If you truly wish to be Look Charlie, down there, my factory. Do you see? Yes, Mr. Wonka I love my chocolate factory, Charlie. I love it more than anything else in the world. So do I, Mr. Wonka, so do I Well, I'm very glad you said that, very glad indeed. Do you want to know why? Why? Because my chocolate factory Is your special prize But, Mr. Wonka, why would you want to give away your factory? Now, I'm an old man, Charlie I'm a lot older than you think I can't keep running my factory forever I've got to give it to someone new And that someone, Charlie, is you If you want to view paradise Simply look around and view it Anything you want to, do it Wanta change the world? There's nothing To it There is no Life I know To compare with Pure imagination Living there You'll be free If you truly Wish to be