I like a stout drink of your cold coffee at 2 At breakfast-for-lunch with you But if you got some things to do well I understand, I understand, I understand That draggin' out one cigarette short of that bad habit Makes me feel like my heros But if you think that's gross well I understand, I understand, I understand Maybe I'll just take it to the road where anything goes Meet the strangest from town to town That might freak some folks out well I understand, I understand, I understand I earned my degree but I would rather rake your leaves Barely eatin' and meetin' my rent You say man we just met you but that sounds like a bad investment well I understand, I understand, I understand That tonight when I'm trottin' home at three in the mornin' Just whistlin' that early birdsong I know I been just a little too early just a little too long I understand, I understand, I understand Cause I'm married and buried in my father's sins Make amends on a little nylon string But if that ain't your thing... welll I understand I understand I understand