Asante Yesu Thank you Jesus Libarikiwe jina lako bwana Your name be exalted Uinuliwe Bwana Be Praised Lord Mungu Baba Mtakatifu God our Father, Holy One Uliemwema na mkamilifu You that is good and righteous Mungu Baba na Roho Mtakatifu God our Father and The holyspirit Uletae uhai The Provider of Life MFARIJI wa kweli My true CONSOLATION Wewe ulietabibu You that is the HEALER Unaeganga MIOYO yetu That mends our HEARTS Uliemwema wakati wote That is GOOD at all times Ata sasa ooh Bwana Even at this moment Lord Ulieweka mchana na usiku You created day and night Ujuae mwanzo na mwisho wetu You that know our beginning and our end Wakati wa furaha na uchungu In our time of joy and time for sadness Utabaki kuitwa Mungu You will remain to be called God Ni wewe, Ni wewe Bwana It is you, it is you Lord Ni wewe, Ni wewe Bwana It is you, it is you Lord Hakuna kama wewe There is no other like you Ni wewe, ni wewe Bwana It is you, it is you God Ni wewe, ni wewe Bwana It is you, it is you God Ninaposema wewe ni Bwana When I say you are Lord Ni kweli namaanisha It is true I mean it Maana haubadilishwi na mazingira Because you are not changed by environment (Wewe wayabadilisha) Unaweza badilisha uchungu You can change bitterness Unaweza badilisha mateso kuwa furaha You can change torture to become happiness Kilio kuwa kicheko And where there was crying to become laughter Unaweza badilisha huzuni, machozi yanaotoka yakamiminika kama mito kuwa Amani You can change terror, tears that are falling And make them flow like rivers to become Peace Wewe ni mfariji You are my consolation We ndiye Amani You are Peace We ndiye Amani You are Peace Hakuna zaidi yako There's no one greater than you Wewe Ni Wewe Ni Wewe Bwana You, It Is You, It Is You Lord Ni wewe, Ni wewe, Ni wewe Bwana It is you, it is you, it is you Lord Unaetupa Amani ya kutosha That gives us sufficient Peace Ni wewe Bwana Ni wewe Bwana It is you Lord, It is you Lord Rafiki, Rafiki, Rafiki wa Kweli My friend, My friend, My only true friend