In 1619 slaves arrived in Virginia Almost 4 hundred years later Prejudice still continues in the hearts Of the elite and of the elect but only Manifest covertly with disrespect, Check it... federal fugitive slave laws Enacted and the African American's Freedom is retracted well, the slaves Revolted the militia rebels and every One of them was hanged after time In jail cells, Garrison publishes his Famous liberator Fredrick Douglas And his abolitionist newspaper, Educators of a sort of a cause set Forth to put an end to slavery and Kill racial divorce Free at last, free at last, free at last... Harriet Tubman put the slaves into Escape mode became a celebrated Leader of an underground railroad And uncle tom's cabin by miss Beecher Stowe man it's still an Inspiration though written long Ago and, in a sense it represents the Epitome of anti slavery sentiments in World history, and other attempts to Put an end to all this bigotry like John Brown's arsenal attack on Harpers Ferry , Well the south secedes and the Confederacy forms which in turn lights The fire for the civil war, the union is Triumphant but Lincoln is assassinated, Two years after his emancipation Proclomated, on the plantation We had our season passes now we Thank God Almighty cause we're free ...we're free at last You see the 13th and 14th and 15th amendments were a little too late for government repentance, well Brown Vs the board of education changed The nation when it declared its Standpoint on racial segregation, And the civil rights movements Introduced and it starts and its Lead by the Doctor and miss Rosa Parks, the Little Rock nine Endure the trial of a lifetime as Only adolescents horrid victims Of some hate crimes... America The beautiful America the brave, Home of the free but land of the Enslaved