ABCDEFG HIJKLMNOP QSRTUV WXY and Z ♪ 我要學饒舌 我要學饒舌 我要唸英文 我要唸英文 我要 check it out 我要 check it out 跟我一起跳 一起跳 Everybody AAAAAA BBBB CCCC Everybody AAAAAA BBBB CCCC 過去進行式 (be 加 ving) 現在完成式 (s 加 have 加 pp) 未來簡單式(s 加 will 加 v) 我舉例一次 老師老師 12 free were eating an apple 12 free have hoped to eat a mango 12 free will go to eat a bagel We are the world we are the fat bro Everybody AAAAAA BBBB CCCC Everybody AAAAAA BBBB CCCC 老師教的教的教的教的好 老師教的教的教的好 好 我要開始創作一首英文歌 我要 international Good morning baby Good morning good morning What's your name? Baby My name is baby How are you? Baby Fine, thank you baby This is my mother, baby He is a teacher, baby Everybody AAAAAA BBBB CCCC Everybody AAAAAA BBBB CCCC Everybody AAAAAA BBBB CCCC Everybody AAAAAA BBBB CCCC